production plants
ALLTUB has 6 industrial sites located throughout the world: in France, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic and Mexico.

production lines
ALLTUB has more than 75 production lines distributed across its various industrial sites manufacturing over 1.6 billion units per year (aluminum squeeze tubes, laminate tubes, aluminum cartridges and aerosol cans).

billion units
ALLTUB produces over 1.6 billion of units per year (aluminum squeeze tubes, laminate tubes, aluminum caulking cartridges and aerosol cans) on its production lines worldwide.

ALLTUB employs 1,400 people across the world and generates over 150 million Euros of sales each year.

million of sales
ALLTUB generates over $196 million of sales per year.
+ 50
country destinations throughout the world
ALLTUB delivers to over 50 countries throughout the world, a figure which grows each year.

+ 600
active clients
With an ever expanding client base, ALLTUB delivers to more than 600 active clients across the world each year including many blue chip multinational companies.
strategic market sectors
ALLTUB offers a broad range of packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries as well as various industrial sectors.