As a member of the CELAA Club (Recycling and Lightweight Packaging Club), founded in 2009 by Nespresso and France Aluminium Recyclage, ALLTUB contributes actively to the promotion and increase in the recycling of lightweight aluminum packaging.
The CSR as part of our good practices
Today, CSR (corporate and social responsibility) is an integral part of corporate operations and ALLTUB provides its customers with products compliant with our CSR policy. In concrete terms, ALLTUB’s commitment reflects the various policies implemented across companies to participate towards environmental protection, greenhouse gas emission reduction but also the improvement of product quality, social inclusion and economic development… If CSR was historically associated with environmental protection, today it also involves other areas whether economic, social, cultural or even educational.
The ALLTUB Group participates in the Ecovadis CSR programme (platform to assess social and environmental performance of global supply chains). Twenty-one criteria among 4 topics as follows (social, ethics, supply chain, environment) are assessed. ALLTUB obtained a “silver” rating and is among the 30% of the companies best rated by Ecovadis.